Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Concept

• The movie covers the events from the death of Edward the Confessor to the coronation of King William (the Conqueror).

• Battles of Fulford, Stamford Bridge, and Hastings done in epic style.

• Each of the casts would be taken from their historic countries: England, France (Normans), and Norway.

• Filmed in native languages and subtitled. So Norwegian and French speaking parts would be subtitled for English audiences. English and Norwegian speakers would be subtitled into French for that audience, and English and French would be subtitled for Norwegian speakers.

• Each character would be treated sympathetically yet portrayed accurately. No one is a saint; each one was a sinner in his own way. Yet each was an epic character.

• We might film some parts on or near historical location, yet the English countryside is generally far more tame today than it was originally.

• Make it natural. Eschew GSFX (Gratutious Special Effects).

• Make it real. Tell the story as it happened. There is no need for fictional embellishments. Be true to the subject matter.

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